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 Discern Gives Quantive Leadership Team Greater Peace of Mind

By January 10, 2023May 21st, 2024No Comments

We recently sat down with Ivan Osmak, CEO of Quantive (formerly Gtmhub) to discuss how Quantive is gaining the most value from the Discern platform.

During the interview, Osmak explained that Discern has been transformational for the Quantive revenue leadership team, making it easy for them to run pipeline reviews, spot changes to open opportunities, and monitor reps for certain behaviors.

 “I start every day by making a cup of coffee and opening Discern to see what has changed since yesterday. this ability to be proactive and agile is a game changer for me.”

Ivan Osmak, CEO, Quantive

As a result of their Discern implementation, the Quantive team saw:

  • A 100% Increase in new customers each month
  • A 26% Shorter average sales cycle length
  • A 38% Decrease push out rate on rep behavioral trends
  • An elimination of surprises at the end of each quarter

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