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Drive Optimal Sales Performance with AE Performance Insights & Analytics

Deploy targeted coaching and enablement efforts with a sales performance dashboard that tracks sales rep activities, behavioral trends, and cohorted ramp insights.


Discern’s sales performance analytics connect sales rep data from wherever it lives, whether that’s in your CRM, sales engagement platforms, email, spreadsheet, etc. As a result, Discern provides sales executives with the insights needed to increase sales productivity and efficiency.

AE Scorecards

Automate your sales leaderboard and foster healthy competition amongst your reps. The sales scorecards in Discern’s sales performance analytics rank reps based on target attainment and pacing, in addition to several efficiency metrics.

Sales Rep Ramp Analytics

Remove the mystery behind AE ramp efficiency. Discern’s sales performance analytics group sales reps by start date cohorts. By monitoring cumulative bookings by months post-hire, Discern reveals the effectiveness of sales onboarding strategies.

Sales Activity Tracking

Track past or future sales representative activities across platforms in a single location. Discern aggregates activities such as calls, meetings, demos, emails, etc. to provide leading indicators for funnel activity.

Sales KPIs Dashboard

Discern’s sales performance analytics provide real-time data for all the important metrics and sales KPIs revenue leaders care about. By filtering the sales performance dashboard by an individual sales rep or team, you can pinpoint your top performers. From there, you can uncover and replicate their best practice sales strategies entire sales organization.

Pipeline Review Dashboard

Track sales pipeline activity by individual sales reps or teams to streamline pipeline reviews and drive data-driven 1:1 conversations. Discern’s sales dashboards uncover details hidden in your CRM to increase conversion rates and shorten sales cycle lengths.

Sales Rep Capacity Planning

Understand exactly how many AEs should be added or removed from the sales team to still hit your bookings target. As a result, you can drive a more efficient, lean sales organization, ultimately increasing bookings per AE.

Forecasting Accuracy Insights

Understand which reps are misreading buying scenarios and applying inappropriate forecast categories, close dates, and opportunity amounts. Discern’s sales performance analytics track how forecasts stack up against quota and actual throughout your 13-week cadence. As a result, sales leaders can utilize the insights to coach reps on forecasting accuracy.

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Eliminate Pipeline Surprises

Pipeline surprises, both good and bad, can ruin your forecast and, ultimately, your financial plan. However, sales team members are not always forthcoming about every opportunity detail.

Discern drives accurate forecasting by enabling sales leaders to stay on top of sales rep activity and pipeline movement. As a result, sales managers increase pipeline coverage, improve revenue potential and drive operational excellence.

Nip Poor CRM Habits in the Bud

CRMs make it unnecessarily difficult to track the changes AEs make to opportunity fields over various periods of time. As a result, it can be difficult to pinpoint which sales reps are the “problem children.”

Discern helps drive optimal sales behaviors and improve CRM hygiene by identifying which sales team members can improve CRM habits. Additionally, with a sales KPI dashboard and sales scorecard, sales leaders can rank sales rep performance. As a result, they can track who keeps pushing deals, changing amounts, or failing to update key sales data.

Deploy Coaching When it Matters Most

Without an objective deal health assessment, sales reps often notify sales managers of at risk deals when it’s too late. As a result, revenue growth is stunted.

Discern scores each opportunity on the likelihood that it will close, based on historical trends for each sales rep. As a result, sales teams can track sales performance, flag the at risk opportunities, and discuss the best resolution strategy.

Optimize Resource Allocation

Almost every sales manager is being asked to do more with less. However, without detailed analytics, it can be hard to confidently making capacity planning decisions.

Discern’s sales performance analytics evaluate historical ramp, conversion, and sales cycle history. As a result, sales leaders can model various hiring scenarios and test the impact on the bookings forecast.

Set your Sales Process up for the Greatest Success with Discern's Sales Performance Analytics

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